Girl Power – 4 Ways for Women to Stay Safe, Fit and Confident

Modern women are bombarded with stereotypes and media portrayals of how we are supposed to look, behave and perform in every aspect of our lives. Many feel pressure to meet those expectations, coupled with guilt and shame if we ever fall short. The reality that most of these society-established benchmarks are mirages to which few if any of us will ever fully live up. Women are emotional beings, and the pressure to achieve the unachievable can lead to an undermining of our feelings of self-worth and confidence. Well, it’s time for girls to take their lives back. Today I’d look to look at a few ways that you can build your confidence and look out for number one.


Real Fighting Spirit

The beauty of martial arts such as Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA is that they provide real world skills that you can genuinely use to get you out of danger. At the same time, they’re an incredible work out that will challenge your strength and endurance. There are few pursuits so effective to build your fitness and give you the confidence that you need to know that you can handle yourself in case life takes an unexpected turn. Each of these disciplines teaches skills that allow you to neutralize larger, stronger opponents and place great emphasis on fitness and strength training, making them amazing all-round options

Soul Meets Body

If the rough and tumble of the dojo is not for you, then perhaps the more placid, spiritual practice of yoga may be. Make no mistake, when done properly, yoga can be incredibly strenuous and really get your heart pumping. More importantly, it teaches you to focus on what is going on both inside and outside, which will help center your mind and spirit. Do your research to find a reputable yoga studio or instructor, and you will find yourself feeling physically fitter and with greater clarity of mind – all part of the recipe for a positive approach to life.


Keep It In Mind

Mindfulness has become a bit of a cliché in recent times. However, that should not distract anyone from practsing this skill. Mindfulness encourages practitioners to focus their mental and emotional energies on the here and now. The result is to eliminate anxiety and stress caused by external influences and concentrate on achieving a more peaceful internal balance. The research on the negative health effects of stress is overwhelming. Armed with tools to manage stress at critical points throughout the day, you have a solid foundation for having the confidence and physical fortitude to tackle everyday life in a hectic world.


Sleep on It

Getting enough sleep is one of the key factors to control your weight, reduce stress and support good mental health. Lack of sleep affects your body’s production of hormones ghrelin and leptin that cause hunger and tell you when you’ve eaten enough. Put simply, when these hormones drop, you eat larger portions, more frequently. Conversely, when you’re sleep deprived your cortisol levels spike, which prompts your body to conserve energy by storing it as fat. Add in the increased levels of mental alertness and the emotional balance that comes with being well rested, and you can quickly see why sleep plays such a crucial part in your overall well-being.


The life of a modern women is filled with stress and pitfalls that can affect our health and emotional balance. Taking the right steps can help you face these challenges and thrive.