Examining the Laser Skin Tightening Process

When it comes to your skin you probably want it to look as good as it can. Yet, your skin is exposed to so much throughout your life that keeping it healthy can be difficult. That is why the skincare industry has come up with ways to reverse common skin ailments. For example, in the case of sagging skin, laser skin tightening can be used to reverse the problem. But deciding if you should have the procedure done yourself or not requires a closer examination of the laser skin tightening process.

How Much Lasers Can Tighten Skin

Before you consider having a laser skin tightening procedure performed on your body you need to understand that lasers do have some limitations. They are excellent for treating moderate sagging. However, if you have severely sagging skin due to rapid weight loss lasers may not be the best option for you. If that’s the case surgical intervention may provide you with better results.

Choosing the Proper Laser Treatment

Laser intensities and specialties also vary. So, if you do want to try laser skin tightening, you need to find a clinic that offers the right treatment with the proper equipment. For example, an ablative laser treatment might be enough to make your skin look tighter and provide some immediate results because it impacts the top skin layer.

However, non-ablative treatments can trigger processes inside your body which can strengthen your skin cells. By causing your body to produce more collagen, for example, your skin cells can be pulled tighter together over time. You must also receive treatment from a clinician who understands how different types of lasers can impact your skin based on its type, thickness and color.

How Quickly Laser Skin Tightening Works

Laser skin tightening does not tend to work right away, or even overnight. In fact, you will need treatment with medical-lasers on a regular basis for a period of time in order to reverse your sagging skin. Typically, appointments are scheduled several weeks apart to allow the skin time to heal. You may require five or six such treatments to see full results.

Eventually, additional treatments may also be required if your skin starts to sag again in the future because laser treatment does not prevent future skin decay. Although, it can strengthen your skin cells and delay future skin damage.

How Each Laser Skin Tightening Procedure is Performed

Performing laser skin tightening is a fairly simple process. Your clinician will numb or cool your skin with topical ointment. The hand-held device itself may also shoot cooling air during the procedure. So, pain will be minimal, but you will feel some heat and minor discomfort as the laser is pointed at specific parts of your skin.

Lasers can be used to tighten skin almost anywhere on your body. Depending on the size of the area requiring treatment and the intensity of the treatment you can expect your appointment to take roughly an hour, but it might take slightly more or less.

Recovering After Skin Tightening with Lasers

Lasers are so popular as skin treatments because recovery time is not required after treatment. There is also no overnight hospital stay required. You can leave the clinic as soon as your appointment is over. There may be minor redness or post-procedure swelling, but as long as you follow post-treatment care instructions given by your clinician you can resume your regular lifestyle. The only inconvenience you may have is that you have to stay out of the sun or use sun protection until your skin recovers fully, which may take a few weeks.