Recovery Expectations after a Mommy Makeover

Mommy makeover is a cosmetic surgery that helps restore your body after having children. It’s usually a combination of multiple procedures, including breast augmentation, liposuction, and tummy tuck.

A mommy makeover is a major surgery, so you may feel nervous about the procedure and the recovery. Your doctor will give you plenty of instructions on what to do before and after the surgery to make the recovery as easy as possible. Understanding what to expect after the surgery will help you prepare and ease your mind.

Immediately After Surgery

The first day following your surgery will probably be a blur. You’ll be on sleep and pain medications, so you may not remember much of this time. Most surgeons have their patients stay overnight in the hospital after the procedure. This way, they can make sure you’re comfortable, and they can address any post-surgical complications right away.

Your doctor may recommend using ice packs to help with swelling and inflammation for the first day or two after your surgery. Apply ice for 20 minutes at a time, and take a break for about 30 or 40 minutes between applications.

First Week of Recovery

The first week of recovery will be the most challenging. It’s normal to experience swelling, bruising, numbness, and tingling. You may also feel tightness in your stomach and breasts. You should expect to feel uncomfortable and anxious during this time, but you should remember that those feelings are normal. Your surgeon will probably prescribe you medication to help with the pain, which will make the first week of recovery much easier.

Most of your first week of recovery will be spent resting. It’s important to give your body time to heal from the surgery, so you should have a trusted friend or family member stay with you to help out. Although you’ll spend most of your time resting, your doctor will tell you to stand up and move around every few hours. It can be difficult to stand up straight after the surgery, so someone should help you up and assist you whenever you stand.

Most patients have at least one drain placed in the surgical site during the procedure. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to use the drain to reduce swelling. You may have to milk the drain and empty the bulb several times per day.

It’s usually okay to take a shower a few days after the surgery. Ask your doctor before taking a shower, though, and follow their instructions for protecting the surgical sites. Some people wait a little longer to take a shower because it can be difficult to stand.

You will probably visit your surgeon a few days after your mommy makeover for your first checkup. If you had a pain pump implanted during the surgery, your surgeon will remove it during this appointment. The drain will also be removed within a week of the surgery.

Weeks 2 to 4

Many patients return to work two weeks after their surgery. However, you should check with your doctor before you return to work. If your job is physically taxing, you’ll have to wait longer.

The sutures are usually removed 10 to 14 days after the surgery. You’ll have to continue wearing a compression garment for several weeks, though. The compression garment will hep reduce swelling and support your lower back while you heal. During the second week of your recovery, your doctor may give you permission to stop wearing the post-surgery compression bra. You should wear a sports bra for several more weeks to help with the swelling.

During these weeks, you’ll probably still experience some sensitivity and muscle tightness. Strange sensations like numbness or tingling in the surgical areas are normal, too, but they should go away over time.

Long Term Recovery

Most people start to feel much better about a month after their surgery. At this point, you should be able to perform light activities and move around without assistance. You should still avoid strenuous exercise and limit your lifting to under 20 pounds until your doctor says otherwise, though.

Your scars from the surgery should start fading after a couple months. When they first heal, they’ll probably be large, dark, and raised. Over time, they’ll flatten and fade until they’re barely noticeable.

You should expect to feel completely back to normal anywhere from three to six months after your surgery. All mommy makeovers are different, so everyone has a different recovery experience. However, most patients can resume all their normal activities after three months.

Doctors Plastic Surgery offers mommy makeovers and a variety of other cosmetic surgeries at their New York and Chicago offices. Dr. Lin, Dr. Everett, Dr. Blaine, Dr. Ghersi, and Dr. Altman all have years of experience with plastic surgery and have worked with hundreds of satisfied patients. You can learn more about Doctors Plastic Surgery by calling their New York office at 718-395-5220 or their Chicago office at 312-313-2833. You can also visit their website: