Powerful & Easiest Way to Vaccuming Your Stomach

Crunches are the thing of past — especially these days when everybody is hooking up for simple and straightforward ideas like safer abs exercise: Stomach vacuuming.

Stomach vacuuming has nothing to do with “don’t try that at home” saying. Instead, it’s actually a simple breathing exercise that activates and strengthens abdominis — and gives you the desired flat stomach by simply contracting it. If you do it right, and you’ll seal your midsection of your posture while stabilizing your spine, which will reduce lower back pain and improve your posture.

“First thing in the morning (ideally, on an empty stomach while you’re still in bed), roll onto your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the mattress. Then, take a big-time exhale and pull your belly button in toward your spine. (The closer you get, the greater the intensity of the contraction and the more effective this move will be.)

Hold that position for 15 seconds, at first, then progress to hold the squeeze for up to 60 seconds, taking small breaths as needed. Repeat three to five times.

To make the move harder, try it on your hands and knees, sitting straight up in a chair (No back or arm rests!), or on a Swiss ball. And once you master the squeeze? Hold your naval to your spine while you sit or stand throughout the day.

If you practice this exercise daily, eat well, and keep up with your regular workouts, Sturla says you should start to see and feel the benefits (flat stomach) within a few weeks — which is more than you can say for the crunches you’ve been doing your whole life.” 

Article Originally Published here