3 Easy Ways To Use Honey in Your Beauty Routine

As we learn more about the connection between beauty and health, we appreciate the importance of healthy ingredients in our beauty products. The versatility of wholesome honey makes it a key ingredient to use in your beauty routine.

If you’re interested in improving the condition of your skin and hair, use honey! Try these three easy ways to use honey in your beauty routine.

  • Soothe Skin

You can use honey to gently wash your face without drying out your skin. With its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, honey can also soothe irritated skin. That’s why a simple honey and blueberry treatment makes our list of eight homemade skin tightening face masks.

You can also use raw, unfiltered honey as a facial cleanser. First, remove all makeup from your skin. Then, wet your face with warm water. Take about half a teaspoon of honey into your hand and gently massage the honey onto your face. Finally, wash the honey off with warm water.

  • Deep Condition Your Hair

Honey can improve your hair’s health in many ways, especially by moisturizing. Honey is a humectant—it draws in moisture from the air and seals it. That’s why creating your own hair mask is the second easy way to use honey in your beauty routine.

You can mix a tablespoon of coconut oil and a tablespoon of honey together. Cover your clothes, then apply the mixture to your hair, starting from the ends and focusing on dry areas. Leave this in your hair for twenty to thirty minutes, then rinse with warm water for well-conditioned locks.

  • Eat Honey for Improved Sleep

High-quality sleep is crucial for looking and feeling your best. Eating a spoonful of honey every day can provide you with many benefits, such as restful sleep. Plus, it tastes great!

Use raw honey to capture honey’s peak antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Mix honey, milk, and hot tea to create a beverage that helps you unwind and fall asleep.

As you can see, it’s easy to make your own beauty treatments from raw, unfiltered honey. Use this ingredient for a healthy and effective beauty routine.