Enjoy Your Travel Without Any Hassle With International Drivers Association!

Plan your peaceful International #Roadtrips with IDA

Hello Fellas,

Who doesn’t loves travelling? Travelling is so liberating. You travel solo or with family—Travelling
can change you as a person, open your eyes to different opinions and cultures—isn’t that great? It
ultimately makes one a smart traveller, too!

When most of us are planning for International trips, we need to plan a lot about exploring the
culture and place, sight seeing, local cuisine, etc. But yes, if you’re that one couple, who loves
driving—One needs to be ensured and abide by the driving regulations and laws, so one doesn’t
lands up in unpleasant situations.

By any chance, are you planning to travel internationally, but you only have a country-issued travel
driver’s license? Don’t worry—International Drivers Association got you covered. International
Driving Permit allows you to drive into 150+ countries, so one can peacefully explore the travel
destination without any hassle.

Well, we absolutely understand how much #TravellingTimes has changed post the Covid Phase. But
yes, I recently travelled to Bali with my husband and luckily we got the travel driving license from
International Driver’s Association.

What is an International Driving Permit?

It’s a legal requirement document required to drive in many foreign countries. It’s a United Nations
regulated travel document for ones benefit and safety. IDPs entitle to to drive in all foreign countries
. It’s a must requirement for renting a car in many countries.

How International Driver’s Permit helped us?

What is better than driving and exploring a foreign land by road? Through, IDP our driving license
was translated into 12 different languages & thus this avoids the hassle of having to get a new
driver’s license when you’re travelling or relocating abroad.

➢ It’s valid from 1 to 3 years
➢ We got instant approval.
➢ While we were once stopped by the local police in Bali for a traffic violation, the
International driving permit really helped us.
➢ It’s recognised in 150+ countries
➢ We rented a car and drove on the roads of Bali
➢ It’s also used as an identity proof while travelling abroad
➢ We experienced driving on the foreign roads.
➢ We weren’t asked to give any separate driving tests abroad
➢ It reduces the risk of being fined
➢ It simplified communication with the local authorities of Bali
➢ It helps you make the most out of your foreign trip
➢ By having a car you can use abroad—it will help you explore more places thus saving
your money on the taxi rentals, too
➢ We explored Bali with peace of mind—No Hassle as we were on the right side of the
law and were legally secured

What’s the procedure to obtain an International Driver’s Permit?

International Driver’s Permit is a travel document regulated by the United Nations. It
certifies one is the holder of a valid driver’s license of that particular country.
➢ One must be 18 years or older to apply for the IDP
➢ No test is required
➢ There’s an easy online application which takes less than a minute
➢ 100% money back guarantee
➢ Fast international shipping
➢ Digital version delivered in 2 hours or less
➢ One can also apply for more than one IDP
Prices for the IDP
➢ One will receive a printed and digital international driver’s permit booklet and card.
It would be mailed to you in 2 hours
➢ 1 Year Validity : $69
➢ 2 Year Validity : $75
➢ 3 Year Validity : $79
How Countries honour IDP?
An international driving permit is accepted in more than 150+ countries. The IDP is not valid
in Mainland China, South Korea & North Korea. The IDP is not valid for U.S citizens. Also,
special conditions are applied for Japanese citizens. IDP is valid in Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Aruba, Bali, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Columbia, Croatia, Cuba, Maldives, Malaysia, etc.

What happens when one is travelling without an IDP?
Driving without an IDP, may trigger exclusion under your travel insurance policy if claiming
for loss or damage caused while driving a motor vehicle abroad.
Hence, IDP gives you immense peace of mind even though if one is not planning to drive. Yes, you
heard it right. IDP is ultimately for one’s protection and safety. It’s a valid form of identification thy
contains your name, photo and driver’s information in various languages.
Visit the International Driver’s Association website and explore the amazing cars, one can rent on
with the price details, too. Isn’t that so amazing?

Click Here

Our Tip: Be a smart traveller by having a strong observation when you get on the road overseas,
drive conservatively and adapt their driving style so no accidents are caused.
That’s all there is to getting an International Driving Permit. Isn’t the process so easy? So next
time, whenever you’re travelling, refer our tips!
Happy Driving & Enjoy your Trip!