Trick Those Stretch Marks!


Stretch marks are one of the common thing found on the human skin and there are many causes to develop them e.g pregnancy, rapid weight gain, surgery, or for any other reason. They may bother us and lead use to lose confidence and feel more self-conscious.  Here is a GOOD NEWS!  Fortunately, we don’t need multiple trips to dermatologists to let them earn from us 😉 and reply on them fully; there are things we can do to get rid of those stubborn stretch marks for once and for all. 🙂

Vitamin E Oil

Believe it or not, Vitamin Oil is one of the most well-known home remedies for stretch marks. Just simply rub the oil over the effected area on your body twice daily, make it a habit until you start to notice an improvement. Purchase the vitamin E oil or capsules from drug store which you simply break open to release the oil from inside.

Coconut Oil

We swear by coconut oil as one of the best home remedies for stretch marks. After only a few applications you’ll start noticing improvements in the appearance of your stretch marks, and after a couple of weeks you may hardly be able to see those marks at all.

Coffee Grounds

Give it a try to cold coffee grounds if you are opting for home remedies to trick away those stretch marks. The reason is CAFFEINE, yes you heard it right. Caffeine helps to stimulate blood flow hence smooth the appearance of your skin. Make sure you do it couple of times in a day, make it a routine to rub it once in the morning and once at night, over each area of stretch marks. Rub the coffee grounds in a circular motion with a bit of pressure to get the best results.

Cocoa Butter and Olive Oil

Other alternate ways of home remedies for stretch marks includes cocoa butter and olive oil to vapo rub and vanilla. You need to find out what works for you because not everyone gets the same results with the same treatment, right?? so try different home remedies for stretch marks and see what works for you.


Do you know some other ideas?? Share with me in the comments