Trendy Eyes: Why You Need an Eyeglass Chain

The world of accessories and trendy styles is vast and features many options. It can be challenging to decide what to grab, what’s essential, and what complements you most. If you wear eyeglasses, one of the most unique ways to boost your style and frames is with an eyeglass chain. These are effortless but trendy ways to elevate your frames and showcase your personality. In this article, we highlight some of the benefits of investing in a chain and how to wear one properly.

  • The Benefits of an Eyeglass Chain

One of the most amazing features of an eyeglass chain is its ability to keep your glasses in place, intact, and on your face. Many people struggle with their glasses sliding down their noses, and an immediate solution is an eyeglass chain with an adjusting clasp.

Another unique aspect of an eyeglass chain is the complete deterring of potentially losing them. It’s fairly common to take your glasses off and then forget where you set them down. Attach a chain and never lose them again!

  • Tips for Wearing a Chain

You probably saw your grandparents wearing an eyeglass chain for most of their retired lives, so you may be hesitant to invest in one. But rest assured—there are many ways to style or wear an eyeglass chain, and it’s worth looking into if you struggle with your frames.

If you find one you love, consider adding it as a focal accessory to your sunglasses or everyday glasses; there are no right or wrong ways to wear the chain. You can also attach it to any point of the frame’s arms, including the end near the ear or closer to the arm’s bend. Play around with it until you find the sweet spot.

  • Attaching the Chain to Your Glasses

Attaching the chain to your glasses is relatively easy. Each chain typically comes with a rubber-gripped loop specifically designed to sit firmly around the arms and remain in place. Place the loops around the ends of the arms and slide the loops to your desired position. Remember, you can always adjust them to your desired position.

It is common for there to be a small fastening applicator with loops. This will help you tighten the loop itself around the shape of the arms and ensure a snug grip. You want the loops to be firm so that if you take your glasses off your face to dangle them around your neck, they are secure. Lastly, check the loop grip periodically to ensure a consistent hold.

  • Current Style Trends

The current style trends for eyeglass chains open the floor to many possibilities. Many are forgoing the necklace to wear an eyeglass chain as their glasses play an integral part in their daily lives, and losing them is inconvenient. A few styles to consider include:

  • Chunky metal link chain
  • Colorful dainty beaded chain
  • Pearl beaded chain
  • Cuban link chain
  • Lanyard style chain

For those who carry a variety of accessories in their bag, consider adding an eyeglass chain to your supply. You can stop losing your glasses and elevate your style simultaneously. Whether you enjoy a vintage or trendy design, these unique accessories are practical and stylish.