6 Ways To Remove Coffee Stains From Your Teeth

 Clean white teeth are what all of us aspire to have. They give a boost to our confidence and allow us to laugh unabashedly. Yellowing of the teeth, on the other hand, may inhibit us from being our true selves. This makes it imperative for us to deal with the problem as and when it strikes us.

One of the most common causes of catching stains on the teeth is attributed to drinking coffee. Although it is true that most of us depend on our morning joe to give us the dose of energy we need and kickstart the day, it can also cause the yellowing of the teeth. For those who have become prey to it and want to remove the stains, they are in for a piece of good news. There are effective ways to reverse the discoloration of the teeth. Let us have a look at the reason behind the coffee stains before we hop on to those.

What makes coffee stain teeth?

Despite being the hardest part of the human body, the enamel is not smooth and flat as it may appear. It contains minuscule pits that can get clogged with the foods and drinks you may consume.

Coffee, tea, and soda especially contain pigments that can do so and cause the discoloration of the teeth over the long run. These can even become permanent if you do not take steps to address the problem.

Ways to remove the stains

Since we now have an idea about the reason behind contracting coffee stains, let’s find out ways to get rid of them.

  • Brush your teeth

This is one of the easiest ways to ensure the whitening of the teeth. Plaque is a deposit that accumulates over the teeth with the passage of time. As per an article, brushing the teeth regularly helps remove plaque and clean the stains off effectively. It also clears the mouth of the harmful bacterias if done with an appropriate toothpaste.

The proper way to do it is to brush your teeth in a circular motion starting from the enamel. Those suffering from a mouth odor can also tactfully deal with the problem by practicing this method. For the best results, make it a habit to brush twice in a day.

  • Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide Paste

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You can buy these products from any drug store or a retail shop.

  • Mix them both in small quantities to make a paste for application on the teeth. Since preparing a thick paste can be abrasive for the teeth, it is preferable to make a runny paste.
  • Take the mixture onto your index finger.
  • Rub it in slow motion throughout the teeth for about 30 seconds.
  • Let it remain for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Once the time passes, rinse the mouth with clear water.

Follow this up with brushing your teeth with regular toothpaste. These antibacterial agents shall whiten your teeth with regular usage in about 2-3 weeks to the maximum.

  • Coconut oil pulling

This is a practice the origin of which dates back centuries ago. A study suggests that coconut oil consists of antibacterial properties that have the capability to clean the teeth from all sides. It removes the very bacteria that can build up in the mouth and cause discoloration and yellowness of the teeth over time.

  • Take about a spoonful of coconut oil.
  • Put it in your mouth and swish it thoroughly.
  • Throw it out after about 15-20 minutes.

Practice this daily and observe it revitalize your oral hygiene.

  • Utilize the Apple Cider Vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic that clears the stain off the teeth with efficiency. There are some compounds present in it, which facilitate the process. These include the acetic acid, magnesium, probiotics, and potassium. An article states that its high pH level helps break down the plaque and promote the growth of healthy bacterias in the mouth. Just keep in mind not to overuse it as it can wear off the enamel. Using it 3-4 times a week is enough to show the desired results.

  • Dab the apple cider vinegar on your index finger.
  • Rub it on your teeth about a minute.
  • Rinse your mouth with water.
  • Brush your teeth with regular toothpaste as a follow-up.


  • Floss daily

It is common for us to ignore the gaps between the teeth and pay all our attention to the outward appearance. This may spur the growth of plaque in these areas and soon spread across all teeth. Thus, it is imperative to floss daily to maintain the overall hygiene of the mouth.

  • Start by taking floss of about 20 inches in your hand.
  • Twirl the ends of the floss around the middle finger and the index finger.
  • Clean the gaps in a ‘C’ motion in a push-pull motion across all teeth.


  • Consume teeth-whitening foods

Nutrition has a big role to play in the maintenance of strong and white teeth. It is highly important for us to take a balanced diet rich in all kinds of nutrients. The foods that can remove the harmful bacterias from the teeth include berries, yogurt, tofu, salmon, and cheese. These are loaded with calcium and help protect the teeth from wearing off.

Some other foods rich in phosphorus and proteins that help keep the teeth clean include eggs, nuts, fishes, and tomatoes. It is as much necessary to eliminate foods such as candies, sugars, carbonated drink, and potato chips to ensure optimal oral health for all the years to come.

If and when you suffer from toothaches and observe any dental problem, never hesitate to approach your dentist. The invention of nitrous oxide nasal hoods has made it easier for patients to endure dental treatments without any pain and other complications.

Taking the courses of Adult oral sedation dentistry has further made it possible for the patients to receive effective treatments from their well-trained and skilled dentists.

You don’t have to forgo coffee altogether. Just limit the quantity to a maximum of 2 cups a day. Reducing the intake and imbibing these ways in your schedule shall go a long way in removing the stubborn coffee stains from your teeth and keep them healthy.

Author Bio:
Ross is a blogger who loves to write especially in the Health vertical. He has written many informative blogs in other verticals too like personal development, unique gifting blogs etc