What Does the Term “Organic” Actually Mean?

The U.S. government requires producers and distributors to label their products accurately. One of the labels you can find almost everywhere, from residential to commercial products, is “organic.” The popularity of this label doesn’t make it any easier to understand. Many people and businesses want to know what the term “organic” actually means, both by definition and in daily life.

  • The Definition of Organic

We define the term “organic” as the production of goods without the employment of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and other synthetic treatments, based on various dictionary definitions. Often, this term refers to food production, but it can also apply to other products, such as cosmetics and cleaning supplies. A product can qualify as organic if it features plant or animal ingredients grown and raised naturally.

  • The Enforcement of Organic

Who enforces the definition of organic and whether companies can label products with this term? The National Organic Program (NOP) approves products that bear this label. The NOP operates under the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), which is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Since the term “organic” refers to how farmers treat soil, plants, and livestock, this enforcement hierarchy makes sense.

  • Examples of Organic Products

As we mentioned above, most organic products are food products. You can find organic meat and meat by-products, such as chicken or butter. Organic produce, such as cherries or onions, are also popular. Some processed foods can bear the organic label based on the organic production of their main ingredients, such as popcorn or chocolate chips. All-natural cosmetics, such as lipstick, are sometimes organic. Certain cleaners that don’t use harsh chemicals are also organic. Even business products, such as tumbling media, are organic in some cases. You should use organic tumbling media or these other organic products when you can to support a healthier, cleaner environment.

Now you know what the term “organic” actually means for you or your business. Prioritize organic products whenever you can to support farmers in their environmentally friendly endeavors. Every choice we make can contribute to a healthier planet.